Pants man just can’t stop

I think I predicted it in one of my previous posts on this issue (here, here and here) or at least in the comments thread. The $64M pants man has appealed the decision rejecting his exorbitant claim regarding a pair of lost suit pants. Oh dear…so predictable. Vexatious litigant in the making, methinks. Me also thinks that he won’t get his contract renewed…


Filed under courts, crazy stuff, law, tort law, USA

6 responses to “Pants man just can’t stop

  1. The guy has to be mentally ill. Someone needs to request a Psychological Evaluation on the guy.

  2. GavinM

    Yes Fairlane, that’s pretty much exactly what my wife said…and I can only agree.

    He is clearly a person who should not be holding the office he currently is in.

  3. Yeah, I was thinking about strait jackets…

  4. LDU

    When I read about this, i knew you’d have a post on it by the time i got home.

  5. pete m

    He is not a vexatious litigant for appealing. Vexatious litigants are those that file numerous claims all derivations on the one claim, or claims with no obvious merit on their face.

    As far as I know this is his only Court action with this claim, and he is legally entitled to appeal.

    He is still a @#$%wit though. And does nothing to improve the general impression the public has of the legal system.

    It has been reported that the City Council has told him not to bother re-applying for his administrative position, when it falls due to expire later this year. I don’t think he really cares.

  6. GavinM

    Hello PeteM

    “He is not a vexatious litigant for appealing. Vexatious litigants are those that file numerous claims all derivations on the one claim, or claims with no obvious merit on their face.”

    I’m no legal expert, but does he not qualify as a vexatious litigant under the “claim with no obvious merit…” clause ?

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