
Yes, it’s official now – I am expecting Baby No. 2. Well, most of you probably guessed from my post “Pregnancy is not an illness“.

This now explains why I had to quit Missing Link a few months back. I have been finding it very hard to operate normally with “morning” sickness and the debilitating tiredness that pregnancy brings. Worst of all, I have had to run out of class mid-lecture on one occasion. Oh well, they are a nice class, very polite, they didn’t say anything about it.

Fortunately, I am now feeling a lot better – still not 100% yet, but I reckon I’ll be pretty good in another week or too (touchwood).

I find that I get more anxious about the state of the world when I’m pregnant, and particularly just after I’ve given birth. Last time, I would cry at news stories of abandoned children or children caught up in war. I had to stop watching the news for a month – there was just too much sad and bad stuff. It must be the hormones – they make you want to mother everyone in the world. So I’ll try not to let my blog become too anxious and neurotic!

Our daughter is very excited about the prospect of being a big sister. Some days she thinks it will be a boy, some days she thinks it will be a girl. She hopes Baby will come out and play blocks with her – I’ve had to explain that Baby won’t really be able to play or even do very much when he/she comes out, but when Baby gets bigger, I’m sure he/she will want to play.

I’m really fascinated to see whether this baby will be like our daughter or totally different. My sister and I are very, very different in many ways (although, naturally, we’re also very similar in many others). I can’t wait to meet him or her! So it’s all exciting.


Filed under childbirth, children, motherhood, pregnancy

14 responses to “Expectant

  1. Congratulations! Sorry to hear you’ve been so unwell, though.

  2. Can’t wait to hear the “pregnancy name” you come up with for this bubba, LE. Happy to help out with ridiculous suggestions!

  3. LDU


    And about the world…take a chill pill.

  4. maturestudent

    hi everyone

    this is my first post to the legal soapbox…….i found your wonderful page last week while researching an essay and already have become a huge fan.

    congrats on your pregnancy, i sympathise with your bout of morning sickness. I also suffered with terrible morning sickness throughout all of my pregnancies, and vowed never to put myself through it again (i finally stopped at no. 3).

    As for those horrible hormones making you feel you need to mother the world, i still get that now, and my youngest is 5!!!

    Looking forward to reading more of your posts……..hope the morning sickness eases soon.

  5. Iain Hall

    Good Show LE you will certainly have fun with two little eagles in your nest.

  6. Haven’t come up with a nickname yet…I’m sure a good one will come to us – I rely on my husband in the silly nickname stakes.

    LDU, if only I could take a “chill pill” for real sometimes – I am a stress head. But then again, even if such a thing existed in a non-addictive form, I probably wouldn’t be able to have it during pregnancy – so annoying not being able to take many medications.

    Maturestudent, welcome to my site – I’m glad you have enjoyed what you have read so far. I suspect I’ll be like you and continue to need to mother the world – I’ve always had a tendency in that direction anyway!

  7. Many congratulations!!!! I remember with my morning sickness I could not bear to look at a computer screen for five months. I actually had to take leave from my studies because of it. Good luck.

  8. Umm Yasmin, gee I’m glad I can still look at a computer screen. I would have been totally stuck at work – I guess I would have had to take time off too. I can’t watch videos which move around a lot generally (they make me sea sick) and I think that it’s become worse while pregnant. In fact, I won’t even think about that any more (it’s making me feel dizzy).

  9. Congrats LE! Yay for you and your family, which is soon to get bigger 🙂

    I had bad morning sickness too – and unfortunately it was also very unpredictable which made it hard to manage. My boss was very understanding, but it did mean a few people guessed before we were ready to spill the beans. Hope it clears up for you real soon. Good luck for the coming months.

  10. pete m


    we have bub 2 due next month – very exciting!!

    how long to go?


  11. Thank you all! Fortunately the morning sickness is almost gone altogether – it’s week 14 now. What a tremendous relief!

    Pete M, that’s very exciting about your bub no. 2 – let me know when he/she is born!

  12. Congratulations, LE!

    The second is always so exciting – the fear of the unknown gone, and all the pleasant things to look forward to. (not that I know first hand. only second hand!)

    Hope the morning sickness stays away for good, now!

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