Category Archives: tigers

More tigers

You might remember my pictures of the diving tigers a few weeks back. My Mum has alerted me to a newspaper article with an attached video of a diving tiger. The tiger is named Odin and loves swimming. Please have a look.

Really, I’m not becoming an “I can has Cheezburger” for tigers.  I just like ’em. Although I note that “I can has Cheezburger” is always the top WordPress site…so obviously it’s a popular phenomenon.

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Filed under crazy stuff, tigers

It’s a tigery kind of week

Couldn’t resist putting in another tiger picture, from this story here. My daughter’s favourite animals are doggies, tigers, turtles, ducks and bees. She will like this picture – featuring not only three adorable tiger cubs of different colours, but a dog and her puppy. The tigers’ mother rejected them so the dog, called Huani, is feeding them instead. This is the second time she has fed tiger cubs.

Dog, pup and tiger cubs

Incidentally, when I showed my daughter the diving tigers in the post below, she said “Dur-tle?” (turtle). I can understand the confusion. It’s hard to get it all sorted out when you’re only one and a half.


Filed under crazy stuff, tigers

Diving tigers

Look at this awesome photo of a diving tiger from Pravda. I knew that tigers swam, but I had no idea that they dived underwater as well. Click on this link to see more pictures.

Diving Tiger

I have to say that it would be pretty scary to be a fish in that pool.

Thank you, Patrick, for bringing these pictures to my attention!

(Via Blueberry Fool)


Filed under crazy stuff, tigers